Restaurant Menu OpenOffice Templates: Free Templates for Your Restaurant

Restaurant Menu OpenOffice Templates: Free Templates for Your Restaurant
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No Worries, We’ve Provided You with Great Restaurant Menu OpenOffice Templates!

If you have been looking for a professional-looking menu for your restaurant, look no further. By taking time to create a professional looking menu - wait, what? You don’t have time to create a restaurant menu? OpenOffice templates may then be your solution! You shouldn’t overlook the power of a great menu to draw business into your new restaurant. Even better, because these templates are free, they won’t eat into your restaurant startup costs. All you need to do is visit our media gallery, download the template you like best, and plug in your restaurant information and menu selections! Bon appetit!

French Rooster Menu

<img src="" alt="This French Rooster menu is both simple and elegant">

This French Rooster menu template is a great template for your French restaurant. The background image on this menu, and border theme were both created using the free desktop publishing software, (as a matter of fact, all of the images were edited using this program and then were imported into OpenOffice).

The background and borders feature roosters and a spray of flowers. The menu itself is clean-line. The image was sent behind the text in order to create the layered look you see here. This menu was not created to be used with images of your food items. All this template needs is your menu items and prices!

Calico Cafe Menu

The Calico Cafe menu template is perfect for your casual dining endeavor

With the Calico Café menu template, you can have a little fun while keeping clean-lines in your menu. While this menu was created for a more casual dining situation than the French Rooster menu, the clean lines make it compatible with a cafe that serves high-end breakfast and lunch fare.

The border for this menu was created in by flipping an image around four times then applying the “ink” tool to it. Once imported into OpenOffice, I resized the border for the interior pages to make more space for the menu items. The coffee cat in the middle was constructed in two layers from two different images and then was added separately into the document.

Wine Bar Menu

This wine bar template is perfect for any swanky restaurant

The Wine Bar menu template helps you to cater your restaurant to the latest fad - wine lounges to attract wine connoisseurs. This template is very formal and is ready for you to add in your favorite wines and wine pairings to create a successful wine menu. It is important when running a wine bar to make sure you have a selection of food as well! No pictures should be added to this menu - the focus here is on elegance and atmosphere.

50s Diner Menu

Have fun creating your menu with this 50s diner menu template

This fun and funky 50s diner menu template gives lots of room for images of your diner food. Simply insert the images - you can overlap the borders if you like - and add your menu items. This template is a lot of fun and features old 50s style cars stacked upon one another with a red foreground. Whe you run a diner, often people come more for the atmosphere than the food. This template is a great addition to your 50s theme!

Pizza Shack Menu

You can add your own custom images to this pizza parlor menu

Finally, be sure not to miss this pizza-themed menu template, while the template is simple in design, it allows pizzaria owners plenty of space for inserting their photos of salads, pizzas and even delicious lasagnas! To add additional pages to any of these menus, simply press the “enter” key until you have a fresh page. Double click on the background image to select it, copy the image, then paste the image on the new page. Because the images are already set to falling in the background, you are then ready to add your text to these restaurant menu OpenOffice templates.




French Rooster Menu: Rooster courtesy of; Blue Flowers Courtesy of

Calico Café Menu: Buttons image courtesy of; coffee cup; cat

Wine Bar Menu: Wine Glass courtesy of; Wine pour courtesy of

50s Diner Menu: Old Cars courtesy of;; and

Pizza Shack Menu: Pizzas courtesy of

All templates designed and created by Ronda Roberts Levine in Paint.Net and OpenOffice.